About Us!
Integrated Computer Services ©1997

ICS is based out of Fort Worth Texas, USA

Phone: 817-680-6049

Hi, I am John H. Yarbrough.

All of the ICS associates are degreed and or certified professionals. I have personally recruited some of the best talent in the I T and business industry to work for ICS. Each one has at least 10 years experience in their chosen area of expertise. They have been chosen for their integrity, technical aptitude and customer service skills. We have some of the most talented individuals available to develop, implement and support financial and data systems bar none. Having been a victim some years back of less than forthright business practices from a consulting company on whom we were depending for advice and guidance, I chose to open my own consulting practice. The company in question was rated in the "top ten" for their genre of expertise. I knew right then and there that I could do better than they had by just by being honest with my customers and telling them the truth instead of what they wanted to hear to convince them to buy the products and consulting services. I already possessed the technical skills in what I intended to consult for. I knew the first day I took out my dba in 1997 that I had more to offer my clients than at least one company that was considered in the top ten of their industry. And all I had to do was be forthright, give the best advice I could and do a good job at a fair market price.      
During the 1990s I also noted the need of many small and medium sized businesses for Information Systems support and in particular financial systems and data, but they could either not afford it or did not want to spend the money to take advantage of what technology could do for their business and most importantly their future Net Operating Income. Many businesses could profit from the use of technology if they only knew how to do so without spending their money ineffectively. I also see so many businesses where people buy technology and either do not know how to really utilize it or have bought something that does not suit their specific needs. The time to find out what you need and what you are getting is before you buy. This is another area where ICS adds value. If you receive intelligent advice and direction before you invest time and money you will get what you need instead of whatever someone wants to sell you. Most applications do not require as much involved development to do what you need them to as is usually spent. It is a matter of knowledge, defining, design and planning. The way to properly manage your Information Systems is to plan. ICS can help you plan and then execute your plan. If you design and plan ahead in lieu of doing most things ad hoc, you remarkably reduce your costs.